The pros and cons of reinforced safety boots


Safety-toed boots are a popular choice for businesses who employ people working with heavy objects - often reinforced with steel but sometimes with a non-metallic composite. However, they can also attract complaints from employees who find them uncomfortable. What are the advantages and disadvantages of such boots, and is it worth issuing them to your employees? Pros The main advantage is obvious - boots with reinforced toes are a huge safety benefit.

27 September 2018

Keeping Your Ugg Boots Looking Good


Ugg boots are a classic, loved not only for their comfort and warmth but also for their distinctive look. Most women who own them would hate the thought of being without them, as they're the perfect thing to throw on with some comfortable clothing when you need to head out, especially if there's a chill in the air. To keep your Uggs in good condition and looking presentable for as long as possible, it's a good idea to stay on top of cleaning them.

25 June 2018